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Hack Squat, Full Range of Motion

(1 user rating)     views   views: 19687

Type basic
Mechanics compound
Direction push
Equipment hack smith
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Place back against back pad and shoulders against shoulder pads. Slightly extend knees and release clamp levers.


Flex hips and knees to move downward until knees are completely flexed. Return, keep knees slightly flexed and repeat.

Variations / Comments

Keep heels on platform. Let feet point in same direction as knees. Performing full range of motion stretches front thighs and causes higher training effect, especially for developing power from full flexion, but requires healthy and resilient knees.

Sled Hack Squat, Full Range of Motion Starting Position Starting Position
Sled Hack Squat, Full Range of Motion Ending Position Ending Position


Target Quadriceps
Synergist Gluteus Maximus | Hip Adductors | Soleus
Stabilizers Hamstrings | Gastrocnemius
Sled Hack Squat, Full Range of Motion Muscles Front
Sled Hack Squat, Full Range of Motion Muscles Rear
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