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Squat, Overhead

(1 user rating)     views   views: 30484

Type basic
Mechanics compound
Direction push
Equipment barbell
Additional Equipment (rack)
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Itīs an effective exercise.

Itīs a practicable exercise.

Itīs an often applied exercise.

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Grasp barbell with wide overhand grip and stand upright with feet about shoulderwide apart. Press barbell up above head on hold it with extended arms slightly behind the head.


Bend knees and hip, move hip backward and knees forward until thighs are parallel to floor. Viewed from the side the arms now remain about perpendicular to floor Keep back straight. Return, keep knees slightly flexed. Repeat.

Variations / Comments

Look ahead throughout motion. Keep weight on heels. Let knees point in same direction as feet. Keep arms extended.

Barbell Squat, Overhead Starting Position Starting Position
Barbell Squat, Overhead Ending Position Ending Position


Target Quadriceps
Synergist Gluteus Maximus | Hip Adductors | Soleus
Stabilizers Erector Spinae | Rectus Abdominis | Obliques | Hamstrings | Gastrocnemius | Deltoid, Anterior | Deltoid, Lateral | Deltoid, Posterior | Trapezius, Upper | Trapezius, Middle | Trapezius, Lower
Barbell Squat, Overhead Muscles Front
Barbell Squat, Overhead Muscles Rear
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