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Russian Twist, Seated

(3 user ratings)     views   views: 23500

Type auxiliary
Mechanics isolated
Direction pull
Equipment mat
Additional Equipment -
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Itīs an effective exercise.

Itīs a practicable exercise.

Itīs an often applied exercise.

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Sit on mat or floor and with legs flexed about right angled place heels on floor in front. Lean torso backward while lower back remains off floor. Bring hands together centrical in front of chest and keep arms slightly flexed.


Rotate torso from side to side. Keep hips in stable position and let head follow motion.

Variations / Comments

Russian twist is not an exercise for deltoid or pectorals, therefore keep hands in one plane above chest and donīt swing arms from side to side. Instead concentrate on twisting torso in a dynamic and controlled manner.

Mat Russian Twist, Seated Starting Position Starting Position
Mat Russian Twist, Seated Ending Position Ending Position


Target Obliques
Synergist -
Stabilizers Rectus Abdominis | Erector Spinae | Hip Flexors | Deltoid, Anterior | Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
Mat Russian Twist, Seated Muscles Front
Mat Russian Twist, Seated Muscles Rear