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Shoulder Press, Standing, One Arm

(1 user rating)     views   views: 19520

Type auxiliary
Mechanics compound
Direction push
Equipment dumbbell
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x Rate Shoulder Press, Standing, One Arm

Itīs an effective exercise.

Itīs a practicable exercise.

Itīs an often applied exercise.

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Grasp dumbbell and stand upright with knees slightly flexed. Hold dumbbell besides head. Hold upper arm perpendiular to torso and let let elbow point down.


Press dumbbell up over head. Keep arm slightly flexed. Return until dumbbell is beside head. Repeat. Continue with opposite side.

Variations / Comments


Dumbbell Shoulder Press, Standing, One Arm Starting Position Starting Position
Dumbbell Shoulder Press, Standing, One Arm Ending Position Ending Position


Target Deltoid, Anterior
Synergist Deltoid, Lateral | Supraspinatus | Trapezius, Middle | Trapezius, Lower | Pectoralis Major, Clavicular | Triceps Brachii | Serratus Anterior
Stabilizers Biceps Brachii | Trapezius, Upper | Obliques
Dumbbell Shoulder Press, Standing, One Arm Muscles Front
Dumbbell Shoulder Press, Standing, One Arm Muscles Rear
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