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Front Pulldown, Straight Arms

(3 user ratings)     views   views: 64579

Type auxiliary
Mechanics isolated
Direction pull
Equipment high cable pulley
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x Rate Front Pulldown, Straight Arms

Itīs an effective exercise.

Itīs a practicable exercise.

Itīs an often applied exercise.

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Stand in front of cable pulley and grasp high pulley bar (or similar) cable attachment. Keep arms very slightly bent. Stand upright in step position and flex hips to bend torso over until upper arms are besides head.


Pull arms down until attachment reaches thighs or hand are besides thighs. Return to starting position and repeat.

Variations / Comments

Keep elbows slightly flexed throughout motion.

Cable Front Pulldown, Straight Arms Starting Position Starting Position
Cable Front Pulldown, Straight Arms Ending Position Ending Position


Target Latissimus Dorsi
Synergist Pectoralis Major, Sternal | Pectoralis Minor | Rhomboids | Deltoid, Posterior
Stabilizers Pectoralis Major, Clavicular | Rectus Abdominis | Triceps Brachii | Obliques | Wrist Flexors
Cable Front Pulldown, Straight Arms Muscles Front
Cable Front Pulldown, Straight Arms Muscles Rear
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