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Internal Rotation, Standing

(1 user rating)     views   views: 51683

Type auxiliary
Mechanics isolated
Direction push
Equipment adjustable cable pulley
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x Rate Internal Rotation, Standing

Itīs an effective exercise.

Itīs a practicable exercise.

Itīs an often applied exercise.

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Sit sideward to cable pulley adjusted to height of belly and grasp stirrup with hand of near arm. Keep elbow close to torso in perpendicular position with forarm pointing toward pulley.


Internally rotate shoulder to pull stirrup away from pulley until forearm is across wasit. Return and repeat. Turn around and continue with opposite arm.

Variations / Comments


Cable Internal Rotation, Standing Starting Position Starting Position
Cable Internal Rotation, Standing Ending Position Ending Position


Target Subscapularis
Synergist Pectoralis Major, Sternal | Pectoralis Major, Clavicular | Latissimus Dorsi | Deltoid, Anterior
Stabilizers Rhomboids | Wrist Flexors
Cable Internal Rotation, Standing Muscles Front
Cable Internal Rotation, Standing Muscles Rear
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