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Vertical Leg Press, Single Leg

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Type auxiliary
Mechanics compound
Direction push
Equipment vertical leg press
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x Rate Vertical Leg Press, Single Leg

Itīs an effective exercise.

Itīs a practicable exercise.

Itīs an often applied exercise.

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Lie supine in back pad and position hips under sled. Place one foot against platform. Slightly extend knee to raise weight. Release clamp levers and grasp handles.


Flex hips and knee to lower sled until knee is right-angled. Return, keep knee slighty flexed and repeat. Continue with opposite side.

Variations / Comments

Keep hips on pad and heel on platform. Let foot point in same direction as knee.

Sled Vertical Leg Press, Single Leg Starting Position Starting Position
Sled Vertical Leg Press, Single Leg Ending Position Ending Position


Target Gluteaus Maximus
Synergist Quadriceps | Hip Adductors | Soleus
Stabilizers Hamstrings | Gastrocnemius
Sled Vertical Leg Press, Single Leg Muscles Front
Sled Vertical Leg Press, Single Leg Muscles Rear
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