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Chest Press, One Arm

(2 user ratings)     views   views: 31510

Type auxiliary
Mechanics compound
Direction push
Equipment adjustable cable pulley
Additional Equipment incline bench
x Rate Chest Press, One Arm

Itīs an effective exercise.

Itīs a practicable exercise.

Itīs an often applied exercise.

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Grasp adjustable pulley cable stirrup attachment and sit upright on incline bench. Place hand at height of chest with elbow out to side and forearm pointing forward.


Push stirrup out in front of chest until arm is almost extended. Return until elbow is besides back pad of bench. Repeat. Continue with oppsite side.

Variations / Comments


Cable Chest Press, One Arm Starting Position Starting Position
Cable Chest Press, One Arm Ending Position Ending Position


Target Pectoralis Major, Sternal
Synergist Pectoralis Major, Clavicular | Deltoid, Anterior | Triceps Brachii
Stabilizers -
Cable Chest Press, One Arm Muscles Front
Cable Chest Press, One Arm Muscles Rear
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