and hip, move hip backward and knees forward until thighs are parallel to floor. Viewed from the side the arms now remain about perpendicular to floor Keep back straight. Return, keep knees slightly flexed. Repeat.
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and knee to kick free leg back until thigh is parallel to floor or higher. Keep leg slightly flexed. Return and repeat. Continue with opposite side.
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and hip, move hip backward down and knees forward until barbell reaches lower knees. Keep back straight and look ahead. Return by extending knees and hips. At top of motion flex shoulders and upper back. Repeat.
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away until arms are extended out to front. Let torso follow motion. Maintain core tension while hips extend. Slowly move down as far as possible. Return by flexing waist and hips. Repeat.
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upward by flexing rear shoulders and back. Bring shoulder blades together. Keep elbows close to torso and let forearms point down. Return, keep arms slightly flexed and repeat.
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