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Arnold Press

(2 user ratings)     views   views: 44513

Type basic
Mechanics compound
Direction push
Equipment 2 dumbbells
Additional Equipment incline bench / flat bench
x Rate Arnold Press

Itīs an effective exercise.

Itīs a practicable exercise.

Itīs an often applied exercise.

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Grasp dumbbells and sit upright on bench, feet under knees. Hold dumbbells close in front of chest. Let elbows point down and keep palms facing chest.


Press dumbbells up over head. Extend elbows and rotate shoulders and forearm to let palms face forward in upper position. Keep arms slightly flexed, return and repeat.

Variations / Comments

Arnold Press requires a greater range of motion than regular Shoulder Presses, offering a very effective training for the front and side shoulders. Its complexity makes Arnold Press the more difficult exercise, therefore, but unjustly, it isn't applied very often.

Dumbbell Arnold Press Starting Position Starting Position
Dumbbell Arnold Press Ending Position Ending Position


Target Deltoid, Anterior
Synergist Deltoid, Lateral | Triceps Brachii | Supraspinatus | Trapezius, Middle | Trapezius, Lower | Serratus Anterior
Stabilizers Trapezius, Upper
Dumbbell Arnold Press Muscles Front
Dumbbell Arnold Press Muscles Rear
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